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Humphrey Nicholas

Nicholas Humphrey is a theoretical psychologist based in Cambridge, who studies the evolution of intelligence and consciousness. His interests are wide-ranging. He was the first to demonstrate the existence of 'blindsight' after brain damage in monkeys, did research on mountain gorillas with Dian Fossey in Rwanda, proposed the celebrated theory of the 'social function of intellect' and has investigated the evolutionary background of religion, art, healing, death-awareness, and suicide. His honours include the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize, the Pufendorf Medal and the International Mind and Brain Prize. His most recent books are Seeing Red and Soul Dust.

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Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness
We feel therefore we are. Conscious sensations ground our sense of self. They are essential to our i...
€14.40 -10%
Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness
We feel therefore we are. Conscious sensations ground our sense of self. They are essential to our i...
€26.60 -10%


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