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Keen David

David Keen is a professor of conflict studies at the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has researched civil wars, global wars and disasters. He is the author of The Benefits of Famine (1994) and Useful Enemies (2012), among other books, and winner of the Edgar Graham prize.

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Shame: The Politics and Power of an Emotion
Today, we are caught in a shame spiral—a vortex of mutual shaming that pervades everything from poli...
€40.80 -10%
Wreckonomics: Why It's Time to End the War on Everything
The United States' ignominious exit from Afghanistan in 2021 topped two decades of failure and devas...
€32.20 -10%
When Disasters Come Home: Making and Manipulating Emergencies In The West
In the late twentieth century, disasters seemed like distant happenings in countries far away from t...
€23.80 -10%


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