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Konstan David

David Konstan is Professor of Classics at New York University. Among his books are Pity Transformed (2001); The Emotions of the Ancient Greeks (2006); Before Forgiveness: The Origins of a Moral Idea (2010); and Beauty: The Fortunes of an Ancient Greek Idea (2014). He is a past president of the American Philological Association, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and an honorary fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.

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3 products
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In the Orbit of Love: Affection in Ancient Greece and Rome
This book is about love in the classical world — not erotic passion but the kind of love that binds...
€28.00 -11%
Beauty: The Fortunes of an Ancient Greek Idea
Those who study the nature of beauty are at once plagued by a singular issue: what does it mean to s...
€21.00 -10%
Beauty: The Fortunes of an Ancient Greek Idea
Those who study the nature of beauty are at once plagued by a singular issue: what does it mean to s...
€32.25 -10%


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