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Kreps David

David M. Kreps is the Adams Distinguished Professor of Management and Economics Emeritus at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. He is a leading economic theorist whose contributions span areas including choice theory, financial markets, and game theory. Among his many books are Game Theory and Economic Modeling (1990), Microeconomics for Managers (second edition, 2019), and Microeconomic Foundations I and II (2012, 2023). Kreps has received honors including the John Bates Clark Medal, the John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science, the Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics, and the CME Group–MSRI Prize in Innovative Quantitative Applications.

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Arguing About Tastes: Modeling How Context and Experience Change Economic Preferences
Mainstream economics considers individual preferences to be fixed and unchanging. Although psycholog...
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