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Lacorne Denis

Denis Lacorne is senior research fellow with the CERI (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales) at Sciences Po, Paris. His books in English include Religion in America: A Political History (Columbia, 2011) as well as Language, Nation, and State: Identity Politics in a Multilingual Age (2004) and With Us or Against Us: Studies in Global Anti-Americanism (2005), both coedited with Tony Judt.

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The Limits of Tolerance: Enlightenment Values and Religious Fanaticism
The modern notion of tolerance—the welcoming of diversity as a force for the common good—emerged in...
€31.40 -10%
The Limits of Tolerance: Enlightenment Values and Religious Fanaticism
The modern notion of tolerance—the welcoming of diversity as a force for the common good—emerged in...
€40.80 -10%


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