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Malleson Tom

Tom Malleson is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Justice & Peace Studies at King's University College at Western University. Their work focuses on egalitarianism, feminism, and radical democracy. They are Coordinator of the Real Utopias Project and their recent books include Part-Time for All: A Care Manifesto (with Jennifer Nedelsky) and After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century. They are also a longtime social justice activist and organizer.

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Against Inequality: The Practical and Ethical Case for Abolishing the Superrich
In an era of remarkable wealth idolatry, Tom Malleson investigates the ethical justifications of wea...
€26.60 -10%
After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century
These days, it is easy to be cynical about democracy. Even though there are more democratic societie...
€34.90 -10%


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