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McCarthy-Jones Simon

Simon McCarthy-Jones is an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology at Trinity College Dublin. An internationally recognised expert on the experience of hallucinations, he also writes on and researches a range of psychological phenomena and is the author of Spite. He has written extensively for the popular press, with articles published in the New StatesmanNew ScientistNewsweek, the Huffington Post, the Daily Mail, the Independent and the Irish Times. His articles on ‘The Conversation’ website have received over a million views to date. His website is: www.simonmccarthyjones.com.

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Free Thinking: Protecting Freedom of Thought Amidst the New Battle for the Mind
For humanity to survive there must always be people performing the minute-to-minute miracle of thoug...
€26.60 -10%
Spite... and the Upside of Your Dark Side
Have you ever done something stupid, dangerous or self-sabotaging just to get one over someone else?...
€23.80 -30%


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