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Nancy Jean-Luc

Jean-Luc Nancy is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Université Marc Bloch in Strasbourg and teaches Political Philosophy and Media Aesthetics at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee.

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An All–Too–Human Virus
In the past, pandemics were considered divine punishment, but we now understand the biological chara...
€13.20 -10%
In Doing, Jean-Luc Nancy, one of the most prominent and lucid articulators of contemporary French th...
€20.90 -10%
Excluding the Jew Within Us
Why does anti-Semitism seem to be so deeply engrained in our societies, our institutions and our att...
€13.20 -10%
Democracy and Community
The concept of community is tainted by the events of the twentieth century, frequently appropriated...
€14.00 -10%
What's These Worlds Coming To?
Our contemporary challenge, according to Jean-Luc Nancy and Aurelien Barrau, is that a new world has...


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