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Nichols Shaun

Shaun Nichols is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona. He is the author of Sentimental Rules: On the Natural Foundations of Moral Judgment (OUP, 2004) and co-author (with Stephen Stich) of Mindreading (OUP, 2003). He is editor of The Architecture of the Imagination (OUP, 2006) and co-editor of Experimental Philosophy (with Joshua Knobe; OUP, 2008; 2014). He has also published over 100 articles at the intersection of philosophy and psychology.

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Bound : Essays on Free Will and Responsibility
The problem of free will arises from ordinary, commonsense reflection. Shaun Nichols examines these...
€21.70 -26%
Bound: Essays on Free Will and Responsibility
Ground-breaking work on free will and responsibilityAt the intersection of philosophy and psychology
€39.35 -10%


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