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Patterson Scott

Scott Patterson has been a reporter for nearly two decades, mostly at The Wall Street Journal in New York City; Washington, DC; and London. Most recently, he has been focused on the negative impacts of climate change and their effect on the financial system. His 2010 New York Times bestseller The Quants was about the rise of mathematical traders and their near destruction of the financial system. His second book, Dark Pools, exposed high-frequency trading risks and was lauded by a pantheon of financial writers, including James Stewart and Michael Lewis. A winner of the Loeb Breaking News Award, Patterson has made frequent appearances in the media, including on CNBC, The Daily Show, and Fresh Air. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with his wife and son. 

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Chaos Kings: How Wall Street Traders Make Billions in the New Age of Crisis
‘It’s not just the wild success of the catastrophists that makes this book fascinating but the way t...
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