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Petch Tom

Tom Petch served for eight years in the British Army, as a tank commander, adjutant, aide de camp and a Troop Commander of 22 SAS. His military experience gives him a unique perspective on recently declassified archives, operation reports, accounts and interviews of the original SAS and their commanders. He is now an award-winning film director and producer whose debut film, The Patrol, won the Raindance Film Festival. He is also the great-great-grandson of Samuel Shepheard, who founded Shepheard's Hotel in Cairo where the SAS was born.

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Speed, Aggression, Surprise: The Untold Secret Origins of the SAS
'Awesome!' ANDY McNAB | 'You must read this book' Colonel TIM COLLINS OBE | 'Extraordinary' Sir RANU...
€18.20 -10%


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