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Plamper Jan

Jan Plamper obtained a BA from Brandeis University and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, after which he taught at the University of Tubingen and from 2008 to 2012 was a Dilthey Fellow at the Center for the History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, in Berlin. He is co-editor, with Benjamin Lazier, of Fear: Across the Disciplines (2012); and co-editor, with Marc Elie and Schamma Schahadat, of Rossiiskaia imperiia chuvstv: Podkhody k kul'turnoi istorii emotsii [In the Realm of Russian Feelings: Approaches to the Cultural History of Emotions] (2010). He has also recently authored The Stalin Cult: A Study in the Alchemy of Power (2012).

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The History of Emotions: An Introduction
The history of emotions is one of the fastest growing fields in current historical debate, and this...
€28.00 -11%


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