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Reynolds David

David Reynolds is professor of international history at Cambridge University and the author of eleven books.

Vladimir Pechatnov, a prolific scholar of the Cold War, is chair of European and American studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

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Mirrors of Greatness: Churchill and the Leaders Who Shaped Him
‘A highly imaginative and thought-provoking way of exploring the personality of a man who, like him...
€34.90 -10%
The Kremlin Letters: Stalin’s Wartime Correspondence with Churchill and Roosevelt [CLONE]
A penetrating account of the dynamics of World War II’s Grand Alliance through the messages exchange...
€20.90 -10%
In Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing the Second World War
Churchill fought the war twice over - as Prime Minister and again as its premier historian. In 1948-...
€21.00 -10%


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