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Robertson Ian

Ian Robertson is Co-Director of the Global Brain Health Institute (Trinity College Dublin and University of California at San Francisco) and T Boone Pickens Distinguished Professor at the Centre for BrainHealth at University of Texas at Dallas. A trained clinical psychologist as well as a neuroscientist, he is internationally renowned for his research on neuropsychology. He has written five books and numerous newspaper and magazine articles and comment pieces in the Guardian, Times, Telegraph, Irish Times, Time magazine and New York magazine, amongst others. He has appeared on BBC Radio and featured in several major television documentaries. He is a regular speaker at major futurology and business conferences in Europe, the USA and Asia.

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How Confidence Works: The New Science of Self-Belief, Why Some People Learn It and Others Don't
* Confidence makes your brain work better and boosts your performance* Confidence acts like a mini-a...
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The Stress Test: How Pressure Can Make You Stronger and Sharper
Why is it that some people react to seemingly trivial emotional upset – like failing an unimportant...
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