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Scafuro Adele C

Michael Fontaine is Associate Professor of Classics and Associate Dean of the Faculty at Cornell University. He has published widely on Latin literature, especially Roman Comedy, and is the author of Funny Words in Plautine Comedy (Oxford University Press, 2010). He is now finishing an edition and translation of Joannes Burmeister's Neo-Latin Aulularia and fragmentary Mater-Virgo to appear in 2014.

Adele C. Scafuro is Professor of Classics at Brown University and a frequent visitor to the American School of Classical Studies at Athens where she served as Visitng Whitehead Professor in 2004-05. She has published numerous essays on Greek law, epigraphy, and drama, and is the author of The Forensic Stage. Settling Disputes in Graeco-Roman New Comedy (CUP 1997) and most recently, a translation, Demosthenes. Speeches 39-49 (U. of Texas, 2011). She co-edits (with John Bodel) Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy.

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The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy
In recent decades literary approaches to drama have multiplied: new historical, intertextual, politi...
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