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Sidebottom Harry

Dr Harry Sidebottom teaches Ancient History at Lincoln College, Oxford. Since publication of Fire in the East in 2008, he has written and published a novel each year, all of which have been Sunday Times top 5 bestsellers. His Warrior of Rome series has been published in 14 countries. Harry is also the editor of the Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Ancient Battles.

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The Mad Emperor: Heliogabalus and the Decadence of Rome
‘Buy the book; it’s very entertaining.’ David Aaronovitch, The Times    A Financial Times, BBC His...
€15.40 -10%
The Mad Emperor: Heliogabalus and the Decadence of Rome
On 8 June AD218 a fourteen-year-old Syrian boy, egged on by his grandmother, led an army to battle i...
€28.90 -10%


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