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Stoker Donald

Donald Stoker was Professor of Strategy and Policy for the US Naval War College's Monterey Program at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, from 1999 until 2017. The author or editor of eleven books, his Clausewitz: His Life and Work (2014), is on the British Army professional reading list.

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Purpose and Power: US Grand Strategy from the Revolutionary Era to the Present
Across the full span of the nation's history, Donald Stoker challenges our understanding of the purp...
€47.60 -10%
Why America Loses Wars: Limited War and US Strategy from the Korean War to the Present
How can you achieve victory in war if you don't have a clear idea of your political objectives and a...
€30.00 -10%
Clausewitz: His Life and Work
Emphasizes Clausewitz's career as a soldier, which is often overlooked in discussions of his work as...
€26.60 -10%


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