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Thubten Gelong

Gelong Thubten is a Buddhist monk, meditation teacher and author from the UK. He ordained as a monk 26 years ago at Samye Ling Tibetan Monastery in Scotland, and he has spent over six years in intensive meditation retreats, the longest of which was 4 years long. He is now regarded as one of the UK’s most influential meditation teachers, with pioneering work in providing non-religious mindfulness programmes to businesses, hospitals, schools, universities, prisons and addiction counselling centres. He works with major global companies such as Google, Accenture and LinkedIn, and has lectured at Oxford University and for the United Nations. Thubten teaches mindfulness to medical students at the National University of Ireland, and he trained Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton in meditation techniques during the filming of Marvel’s Dr. Strange. Thubten contributed to Ruby Wax’s book, HOW TO BE HUMAN. His own book, A MONK’S GUIDE TO HAPPINESS was a Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller with editions in 10 countries internationally. Thubten’s work has been featured in The Times and Guardian newspapers and on Sky, the BBC and ITV. He has appeared on some of the leading health and wellness podcasts, including Deliciously Ella and Poppy Jamie’s Happy not Perfect. HANDBOOK FOR HARD TIMES is his latest book.

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Handbook for Hard Times: A Monk's Guide to Fearless Living
‘Thubten is a very generous and kind monk who writes with the lived honesty and humour of someone wh...
€22.80 -10%


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