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van Wees Hans

Hans van Wees has published numerous papers on the military and social history of Archaic Greece. He is the author of Status Warriors: War, Violence and Society in Homer and History, and editor (with Nick Fisher) of Archaic Greece: New Evidence and New Approaches.

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Archaic Greece: New Approaches and New Evidence
How and why did the Greek city-states come into being? The study of Greece in the Archaic period is...
€34.90 -10%
Aristocracy in Antiquity: Redefining Greek and Roman Elites
The words 'aristocrats', 'aristocracy' and 'aristocratic values' appear in many a study of ancient h...
Ships and Silver, Taxes and Tribute: A Fiscal History of Archaic Athens
Historians since Herodotus and Thucydides have claimed that the year 483 BCE marked a turning point...
€25.15 -10%


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