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Warner Anthony

Anthony Warner graduated in Biochemistry from Manchester University before embarking on a career in professional kitchens. He spent many years working in hotels, restaurants and event catering in the North West and London before taking a job as a development chef in the food manufacturing industry where he worked for over a decade developing recipes for some of the country's best-known brands and products.Frustrated by pseudoscience and misinformation in the food industry, in 2016 he started a blog, which led to the bestselling book, The Angry Chef and a career in journalism. Two more books and countless arguments have followed.He lives in Lincolnshire where he continues to blog at angry-chef.com and you can follow him @One_Angry_Chef.

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Ending Hunger: The Quest to Feed the World Without Destroying It
Is worldwide famine just around the corner? And do I really have to go vegan?   ‘A provocative vis...
€15.80 -10%


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