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Computer Science

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Causal Artificial Intelligence: The Next Step in Effective Business AI
Discover the next major revolution in data science and AI and how it applies to your organization I...
€34.90 -10%
Cryptography (MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series)
A broad introduction to cryptography—what it is, how it really works, what its future holds, and why...
€22.40 -10%
Tech Monopoly (MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series)
A serious look at competition problems in tech markets and whether antitrust law can help address th...
€22.40 -10%
Your Stone Age Brain in the Screen Age: Coping with Digital Distraction and Sensory Overload
An award-winning neurologist on the Stone-Age roots of our screen addictions, and what to do about t...
€44.80 -11%
Spatial Computing: An AI-Driven Business Revolution
The next phase of the internet—multimodal, vision-enabled AI that will transform society Written by...
€29.70 -10%
The Machine Age: An Idea, a History, a Warning
A sweeping history of and meditation on humanity's relationship with machines, showing how we got he...
€16.40 -10%
50 AI Ideas You Really Need to Know
Master the technology reshaping our world today.In a series of 50 accessible essays, Keith Mansfield...
€13.90 -10%
A Hacker's Mind: How the Powerful Bend Society's Rules, and How to Bend them Back
It’s not just computers—hacking is everywhere. Legendary cybersecurity expert and The New York Times...
€21.90 -9%
How Data Happened: A History from the Age of Reason to the Age of Algorithms
A sweeping history of data and its technical, political and ethical impact on our world From faci...
€20.40 -10%
The Metaverse: Building the Spatial Internet (Fully Revised and Updated Edition)
"Ball's lucid and timely book offers a portal into a new realm."—The Economist "The term “Metaver...
€33.80 -10%
Our Next Reality: How the AI-powered Metaverse Will Reshape the World
“Our Next Reality does a fantastic job of giving a balanced and insightful analysis to some of the m...
€24.00 -10%
Secret Life of Data: Navigating Hype and Uncertainty in the Age of Algorithmic Surveillance
How data surveillance, digital forensics, and generative AI pose new long-term threats and opportuni...
€37.70 -10%
Fancy Bear Goes Phishing: The Dark History of the Information Age, in Five Extraordinary Hacks
Hacking, espionage, war and cybercrime as you've never read about them beforeFancy Bear was hungry....
€15.40 -10%
Quantum Supremacy: How Quantum Computers will Unlock the Mysteries of Science – and Address Humanity's Biggest Challenges
An exhilarating guide to the astonishing future of quantum computing, from the international bestsel...
€16.40 -10%
The Future Internet: How the Metaverse, Web 3.0, and Blockchain Will Transform Business and Society
A sneak peek at the future of the internet, from one of the web’s most prescient voices In The Futu...
€31.70 -10%


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