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Thermodynamics - Statistical Physics

23 products
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Fascinating Problems for Young Physicists: Discovering Everyday Physics Phenomena and Solving Them
Problem-solving is the cornerstone of all walks of scientific research. Fascinating Problems for You...
€34.00 -10%
Foundations of Modern Physics
In addition to his ground-breaking research, Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg is known for a series of...
€49.90 -10%
Physics on Your Feet: Berkeley Graduate Exam Questions: or Ninety Minutes of Shame but a PhD for the Rest of Your Life
Physics on Your Feet (2nd Edition) is a significantly expanded collection of physics problems coveri...
€46.20 -10%
Thermodynamics (Revised Edition)
Since its first publication in 1923, this volume has been considered one of the great books in the l...
Statistical Physics (Volume 1 of Modern Classical Physics)
Kip Thorne and Roger Blandford’s monumental Modern Classical Physics is now available in five stand-...
A Heat Transfer Textbook
This introduction to heat transfer offers advanced undergraduate and graduate engineering students a...
€50.00 -10%
Block by Block: The Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Thermodynamics
At the heart of many fields - physics, chemistry, engineering - lays thermodynamics. While this scie...
€56.00 -10%
Nonequilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics
This book develops in detail the statistical foundations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, based on...
€19.00 -11%
Three Laws of Nature: A Little Book on Thermodynamics
A short and entertaining introduction to thermodynamics that uses real-world examples to explain acc...
€22.00 -10%
Entropy Demystified : The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense
In this unique book, the reader is invited to experience the joy of appreciating something which has...
Statistical Physics: A Probabilistic Approach
Suitable for graduate students in chemical physics, statistical physics, and physical chemistry, thi...
Thermodynamics: A Complete Undergraduate Course
The role of thermodynamics in modern physics is not just to provide an approximate treatment of larg...
Εισαγωγή στη Θερμότητα και τη Θερμοδυναμική
Η μακροχρόνια ενασχόληση του συγγραφέα με τη θερμοδυναμική του επέτρεψε να διακρίνει ότι στον χώρο α...
€29.90 -30%
Thermodynamics Schaum's Outline
Confusing Textbooks?Missed Lectures?Tough Test Questions?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outli...
€29.15 -10%
Thermodynamics for Engineers Schaum's Outline
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's. This a...


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