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Algebraic Logic

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Beginning with an introduction to the concepts of algebraic logic, this concise volume features ten articles by a prominent mathematician that originally appeared in journals from 1954 to 1959. Covering monadic and polyadic algebras, these articles are essentially self-contained and accessible to a general mathematical audience, requiring no specialized knowledge of algebra or logic.Part One addresses monadic algebras, with articles on general theory, representation, and freedom. Part Two explores polyadic algebras, progressing from general theory and terms to equality. Part Three offers three items on polyadic Boolean algebras, including a survey of predicates, terms, operations, and equality. The book concludes with an additional bibliography and index.Reprint of the Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 1962 edition.

Author: Halmos Paul R.
Publisher: DOVER
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780486801452
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2016

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