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Applications of Tensor Analysis

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This standard work applies tensorial methods to subjects within the realm of advanced college mathematics. In its four main divisions, it explains the fundamental ideas and the notation of tensor theory; covers the geometrical treatment of tensor algebra; introduces the theory of the differentiation of tensors; and applies mathematics to dynamics, electricity, elasticity, and hydrodynamics.
Partial contents: algebraic preliminaries (notation, definitions, determinants, tensor analysis); algebraic geometry (rectilinear coordinates, the plane, the straight line, the quadric cone and the conic, systems of cones and conics, central quadrics, the general quadric, affine transformations); differential geometry (curvilinear coordinates, covariant differentiation, curves in a space, intrinsic geometry of a surface, fundamental formulae of a surface, curves on a surface); applied mathematics (dynamics of a particles, dynamics of rigid bodies, electricity and magnetism, mechanics of continuous media, special theory of relativity).

Reprint of Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus.

Author: McConnell A
Publisher: DOVER
Pages: 318
ISBN: 9780486603735
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 1957

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