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Chaotic Fishponds and Mirror Universes: The Maths that Governs our World

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What can we learn from fish in a pond? How do social networks connect the world? How can artificial intelligences learn? Why would life be different in a mirror universe? Mathematics is everywhere, whether we are aware of it or not. Exploring the subject through 35 of its often odd and unexpected applications, this book provides an insight into the 'hidden wiring' that governs our world. From the astonishing theorems that control computers to the formulae behind stocks and shares, and from the foundations of the internet to the maths behind medical imaging, Chaotic Fishponds and Mirror Universes explains how mathematics determines every aspect of our lives - right down to the foundations of our bodies.

Author: Elwes Richard
Publisher: QUERCUS
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9781780871608
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2013

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