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Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World

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Leading political writer Timothy Garton Ash presents ten guiding principles for freedom of expression in the digital age, which are the result of a unique global conversation on the website: www.freespeechdebate.com

Never in human history was there such a chance for freedom of expression. If we have Internet access, any one of us can publish almost anything we like and potentially reach an audience of millions. Never was there a time when the evils of unlimited speech flowed so easily across frontiers: violent intimidation, gross violations of privacy, tidal waves of abuse. A pastor burns a Koran in Florida and UN officials die in Afghanistan.

Drawing on a lifetime of writing about dictatorships and dissidents, Timothy Garton Ash argues that in this connected world that he calls cosmopolis, the way to combine freedom and diversity is to have more but also better free speech. Across all cultural divides we must strive to agree on how we disagree. He draws on a thirteen-language global online project - freespeechdebate.com - conducted out of Oxford University and devoted to doing just that.

With vivid examples, from his personal experience of China's Orwellian censorship apparatus to the controversy around Charlie Hebdo to a very English court case involving food writer Nigella Lawson, he proposes a framework for civilized conflict in a world where we are all becoming neighbours.

Author: Garton Ash Timothy
Publisher: ALLEN & UNWIN
Pages: 512
ISBN: 9781848870949
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2017

Timothy Garton Ash is the prize-winning author of nine previous books of political writing, including, most recently, Facts Are Subversive. He is Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Antony's College, Oxford, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a regular contributor to the Guardian and the New York Review of Books. Awards he has received for his writing include the Orwell Prize.

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