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Hegel: A Very Short Introduction

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Many people regard Hegel's work as obscure and extremely difficult, yet his importance and influence are universally acknowledged. Professor Singer eliminates any excuse for remaining ignorant of the outlines of Hegel's
philosophy by providing a broad discussion of his ideas and an account of his major works.

Author: Singer Peter
Pages: 131
ISBN: 9780192801975
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2001

1.: Hegel's times and life
2.: History with a purpose
3.: Freedom and community
4.: The odyssey of the mind
5.: Logic and dialectics
6.: Aftermath
Notes on sources, further reading, index

Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University. He was born in Melbourne in 1946. His major works include Animal Liberation, Practical Ethics, How Are We to Live? and The Life You Can Save.

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