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Comprehensive introduction to black hole physicsUseful for theoretical physicists, astrophysicists, and mathematiciansBeautifully illustratedNumerous exercises and solutionsHot topic that attracts wide interest
1:Black Holes: Big Picture
2:Physics in a Uniformly Accelerated Frame
3:Riemannian Geometry
4:Particle Motion in Curved Spacetime
5:Einstein Equations
6:Spherically Symmetric Black Holes
7:Particles and Light Motion in Schwarzschild Spacetime
8:Rotating Black Holes
9:Classical and Quantum Fields near Black Holes
10:Black Holes and All That Jazz
A:Fundamental Constants and Units
B:Gauss-Codazzi Equations
C:Conformal Transformations
D:Hidden Symmetries
E:Boundary Term for the Einstein-Hilbert Action
F:Quantum Fields
Comprehensive introduction to black hole physicsUseful for theoretical physicists, astrophysicists, and mathematiciansBeautifully illustratedNumerous exercises and solutionsHot topic that attracts wide interest