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Lectures on Ergodic Theory

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This concise classic by Paul R. Halmos, a well-known master of mathematical exposition, has served as a basic introduction to aspects of ergodic theory since its first publication in 1956. "The book is written in the pleasant, relaxed, and clear style usually associated with the author," noted the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, adding, "The material is organized very well and painlessly presented."

Suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics, the treatment covers recurrence, mean and pointwise convergence, ergodic theorem, measure algebras, and automorphisms of compact groups. Additional topics include weak topology and approximation, uniform topology and approximation, invariant measures, unsolved problems, and other subjects.

Reprint of the Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 1956 edition.

Author: Halmos Paul R.
Publisher: DOVER
Pages: 99
ISBN: 9780486814896
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2017

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