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Money and Finance After the Crisis: Critical Thinking for Uncertain Times

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Money and Finance After the Crisis provides a critical multi-disciplinary perspective on the post-crisis financial world in all its complexity, dynamism and unpredictability. Contributions illuminate the diversity of ways in which money and finance continue to shape global political economy and society.

. A multidisciplinary collection of essays that study the geographies of money and finance that have unfolded in the wake of the financial crisis
. Contributions discuss a wide range of contemporary social formations, including the complexities of modern debt-driven financial markets
. Chapters critically explore proliferating forms and spaces of financial power, from the realms of orthodox finance capital to biodiversity conservation
. Contributions demonstrate the centrality of money and finance to contemporary capitalism and its political and cultural economies

Author: Christophers Brett
Publisher: WILEY
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781119051435
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2017

Brett Christophers is a political economist and economic geographer, and the author of Rentier Capitalism and of The New Enclosure, which won the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize.

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