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Neither Vertical nor Horizontal: A Theory of Political Organization

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How do we organise in a world after both Occupy and the Sanders campaign?

For something so often described as essential, political organisation remains a surprisingly under-theorised field.

Nunes redefines the terms of organisational theory, and argues that organisation must be understood as always supposing a diverse ecology of different initiatives and organisational forms. Drawing from a wide array of sources and traditions Nunes develops a grammar that eschews easy oppositions between ‘verticalism’ and ‘horizontalism’, and offers a fresh approach to enduring issues like spontaneity, leadership, democracy, strategy, populism, revolution, and the relationship between movements and parties.

Author: Nunes Rodrigo
Publisher: VERSO
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781788733830
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021

Rodrigo Nunes is professor of modern and contemporary philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. He is the author of Organisation of the Organisationless: Collective Action After Networks and of numerous articles in publications such as Les Temps ModernesRadical PhilosophySouth Atlantic QuarterlyJacobinAl Jazeera and The Guardian. As an organizer and popular educator, he has been involved in several initiatives in Brazil and in Europe, including the first editions of the World Social Forum.

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