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Origin of the German Trauerspiel

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Origin of the German Trauerspiel was Walter Benjamin’s first full, historically oriented analysis of modernity. Readers of English know it as “The Origin of German Tragic Drama,” but in fact the subject is something else—the play of mourning. Howard Eiland’s completely new English translation, the first since 1977, is closer to the German text and more consistent with Benjamin’s philosophical idiom.

Focusing on the extravagant seventeenth-century theatrical genre of the trauerspiel, precursor of the opera, Benjamin identifies allegory as the constitutive trope of the Baroque and of modernity itself. Allegorical perception bespeaks a world of mutability and equivocation, a melancholy sense of eternal transience without access to the transcendentals of the medieval mystery plays—though no less haunted and bedeviled. History as trauerspiel is the condition as well as subject of modern allegory in its inscription of the abyssal.

Benjamin’s investigation of the trauerspiel includes German texts and late Renaissance European drama such as Hamlet and Calderón’s Life Is a Dream. The prologue is one of his most important and difficult pieces of writing. It lays out his method of indirection and his idea of the “constellation” as a key means of grasping the world, making dynamic unities out of the myriad bits of daily life. Thoroughly annotated with a philological and historical introduction and other explanatory and supplementary material, this rigorous and elegant new translation brings fresh understanding to a cardinal work by one of the twentieth century’s greatest literary critics.

Author: Walter Benjamin
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780674744240
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2019
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Translator’s Introduction [Howard Eiland]
  • I. Epistemo-Critical Foreword
    • [1] Concept of the tractatus—[2] Knowledge and truth—[3] Philosophical beauty—[4] Division and dispersion in the concept—[5] Idea as configuration—[6] The word as idea—[7] Idea not classificatory—[8] Burdach’s nominalism—[9] Verism, syncretism, induction—[10] The genres of art in Croce—[11] Origin—[12] Monadology—[13] Neglect and misinterpretation of Baroque tragedy—[14] “Appreciation”—[15] Baroque and Expressionism—[16] Pro domo
  • II. Trauerspiel and Tragedy
    • [17] Baroque theory of trauerspiel—[18] Influence of Aristotle insignificant—[19] History as content of the trauerspiel—[20] Theory of sovereignty—[21] Byzantine sources—[22] Herodian dramas—[23] Irresolution—[24] Tyrant as martyr, martyr as tyrant—[25] Underestimation of the martyr drama—[26] Christian chronicle and trauerspiel—[27] Immanence of Baroque drama—[28] Play and reflection—[29] Sovereign as creature—[30] Honor—[31] Annihilation of historical ethos—[32] Setting—[33] The courtier as saint and intriguer—[34] Didactic intention of the trauerspiel—[35] Volkelt’s Aesthetic of the Tragic—[36] Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy—[37] Theory of tragedy in German Idealism—[38] Tragedy and legend—[39] Kingship and tragedy—[40] “Tragedy” old and new—[41] Tragic death as framework—[42] Dialogue: tragic, juridical, and Platonic—[43] Mourning and tragedy—[44] Sturm und Drang, Classicism—[45] Haupt- und Staatsaktion, puppet play—[46] Intriguer as comic character—[47] Concept of fate in the drama of fate—[48] Natural and tragic guilt—[49] The prop—[50] The witching hour and the spirit world—[51] Doctrine of justification, apatheia, melancholy—[52] Dejection of the prince—[53] Melancholy of the body and of the soul—[54] Theory of Saturn—[55] Emblems: dog, globe, stone—[56] Acedia and inconstancy—[57] Hamlet
  • III. Allegory and Trauerspiel
    • [58] Symbol and allegory in Classicism—[59] Symbol and allegory in Romanticism—[60] Origin of modern allegory—[61] Examples and illustrations—[62] Antinomies of allegoresis—[63] The ruin—[64] Allegorical disenchantment—[65] Allegorical fragmentation—[66] The allegorical character—[67] The allegorical interlude—[68] Titles and maxims—[69] Metaphorics—[70] Elements of the Baroque theory of language—[71] The alexandrine—[72] Dismemberment of language—[73] The opera—[74] Ritter on script—[75] The corpse as emblem—[76] Bodies of the gods in Christianity—[77] Mourning in the origin of allegory—[78] The terrors and promises of Satan—[79] Limit of profundity—[80] “Ponderación Misteriosa”
  • Appendix A: “Trauerspiel and Tragedy”(1916)
  • Appendix B: “The Role of Language in Trauerspiel and Tragedy” (1916)
  • Guide to Names
  • Acknowledgments
  • Index

Walter Benjamin (1892–1940) was the author of many works of literary and cultural analysis.

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