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Owning the Future: Power and Property in an Age of Crisis

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A radical manifesto for the transformation of post-pandemic politics

The question of ownership is the critical fault line of our times, and during the pandemic this issue has only become more divisive. Since March 2020 we have witnessed the extraordinary growth of asset manager capitalism and the explosive concentration of wealth within the hands of the super-rich. This new oligarchy controls every part of our social and economic lives.

In the face of crisis, the authors warn that mere redistribution within current forms of ownership is not enough; our goal must be to go beyond the limits of the current system, dominated by private enclosure and unequal ownership. Only by reimagining how our economy is owned and by whom can we address the crises of our time—from the fallout of the pandemic to ecological collapse—at their roots.

Building from this insight, the authors argue that the systemic change we need hinges on a new era of democratic ownership: a reinvention of the firm as a vehicle for collective endeavour and meeting social needs; against the oligarchy of the platform giants, a digital commons that uses our data for collective good, not private profit; in place of environmental devastation, a new agenda of decommodification—of both nature and needs—with a Green New Deal and collective stewardship of the planet’s natural wealth. Together, these proposals offer a road map to owning the future and building a better world.

Authors: Lawrence Mathew, Buller Adrienne
Publisher: VERSO
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781839765803
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2022

Mathew Lawrence is the founder and Director of Common Wealth, a UK-based think tank that designs ownership models for a democratic and sustainable economy.

Adrienne Buller is a Senior Research Fellow at Common Wealth. Adrienne’s writing and work has appeared in the GuardianJacobin, the New StatesmanNew Left Review, and Financial Times, among others.

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