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Politics of Dialogue: Non-Consensual Democracy and Critical Community

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Uses Bakhtin's thought to reassess the roles of dialogue, community and democracy in political theory

Contemporary democracy is in crisis. People believe less and less in a system of democratic institutions that can cope with today's social problems. Leszek Koczanowicz sheds new light on this problem, using the ideas of M. M. Bakhtin and others to show that dialogue in democracy can transcend both antagonistic and consensual perspectives.

Koczanowicz provides an overview of the history of the dialogue/antagonism opposition as it is embedded in modern political theory, and the concept of dialogue in contemporary political theory. He goes on to demonstrate that Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism can introduce a new quality into political theory, allowing us to overcome the liberalism/communitarianism debate. To conclude, he introduces a concept of ‘critical community’ – a dialogical, self-reflective community critical of its own tradition – to show that collective identities can be constructed in critical dialogue with the tradition and values of community.

Author: Koczanowicz Leszek
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780748644056
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2015

Leszek Koczanowicz is Professor in the Warsaw School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland. Author of: Analyses of Human Action (Wroclaw University Press, 1990), G.H. Mead (Wroclaw University Press, 1992), Individual - Activity - Society: The Concept of the Self in American Pragmatism (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Science Press, 1994), Community and Emancipations. The Discussion of the Post-conventional Society (Lower Silesia University Press, 2005) and Politics of Time. Dynamics of Identity in Post-Communist Poland (Berghahn Books, 2008) [in English]. He is co-editor, with Beth J. Singer, of Democracy and Totalitarian Experience (Rodopi, 2005) [in English].

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