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Rewriting Contemporary Political Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle: An Essay on Eudaimonic Politics

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Many contemporary philosophers develop political theories in an attempt to justify the societies that we currently live in. But the distribution of wealth in our societies today is becoming ever more polarized. Can these philosophers offer theories that are truly just?

Paul Schollmeier takes us back to ancient political philosophy in order to present an original theory of what a society in our era ought to be, and to highlight the flaws in the liberal and libertarian political theories set forth by Robert Nozick and John Rawls. Adapting the ancient principle of happiness found in Plato and Aristotle, he introduces the concept of a eudaimonic polity, which promotes engagement in political activity primarily for its own sake and not for private profit or pleasure. Schollmeier argues that we can best exercise our rational and political nature when we participate together with others in political activity without an ulterior motive.

Lucid in argumentation and original in approach, this book presents a strong case for a eudaimonic polity that firmly favors public interest over private interest.

Author: Schollmeier Paul
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9781350244504
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021

Part I: The Cave: The Turn to the Intelligible

1. Rational Animals
2. Political Animals
Part II: A Eudaimonic Polity: An Opportunity Overlooked in Contemporary Political Thought
3. Liberty and Slavery
4. Rightness and Fairness
5. Public and Private
Part III: The Cave Again: The Daunting Prospect of Political Tragedy
6. Poetical Animals

Paul Schollmeier is Barrick Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

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