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Road Warriors: Foreign Fighters in the Armies of Jihad

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Ever since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, fighters from abroad have journeyed in ever-greater numbers to conflict zones in the Muslim world to defend Islam from-in their view-infidels and apostates. The phenomenon recently reached its apogee in Syria, where the foreign fighter population quickly became larger and more diverse than in any previous conflict.

In Road Warriors, Daniel Byman provides a sweeping history of the jihadist foreign fighter movement. He begins by chronicling the movement's birth in Afghanistan, its growing pains in Bosnia and Chechnya, and its emergence as a major source of terrorism in the West in the 1990s, culminating in the 9/11 attacks. Since that bloody day, the foreign fighter movement has seen major ups and downs. It rode high after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, when the ultra-violent Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) attracted thousands of foreign fighters. AQI overreached, however, and suffered a crushing defeat. Demonstrating the resilience of the movement, however, AQI reemerged anew during the Syrian civil war as the Islamic State, attracting tens of thousands of fighters from around the world and spawning the bloody 2015 attacks in Paris among hundreds of other strikes. Although casualty rates are usually high, the survivors of Afghanistan, Syria, and other fields of jihad often became skilled professional warriors, going from one war to the next. Still others returned to their home countries, some to peaceful retirement but a deadly few to conduct terrorist attacks.

Over time, both the United States and Europe have learned to adapt. Before 9/11, volunteers went to and fro to Afghanistan and other hotspots with little interference. Today, the United States and its allies have developed a global program to identify, arrest, and kill foreign fighters. Much remains to be done, however-jihadist ideas and networks are by now deeply embedded, even as groups such as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State rise and fall. And as Byman makes abundantly clear, the problem is not likely to go away any time soon.

Author: Byman Daniel
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780190646516
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2019

I. Why Do Foreign Fighters Matter?

Key Arguments
1. Why do they fight?
2. What do foreign fighters offer a local militant group?
3. Why do foreign fighters often prove disastrous?
4. What is the role of the state?
5. What happens after fighters return?
6. How can counterterrorism be improved?
Book Structure
II. The Prophet: Abdullah Azzam and the Anti-Soviet Jihad in Afghanistan
Jihad and the Rifle Alone
The Afghanistan Jihad
Azzam the Organizer
State Support?
Azzam's End
Enter Al Qaeda
When the Jihad Ends
Warnings Unheeded
III. Barbaros: The Red Beard
Looking for Jihad
Inspired to Fight
Hearing the Call
A Mixed Reaction in Bosnia
An Abrupt End
IV. The Trainer: Ali Mohammad and Afghanistan in the 1990s
Jihad at a Crossroads
Why Did Fighters Go to Afghanistan?
Getting There
What Did Fighters Learn in the Camps?
Tensions in the Ranks
The Weak Response
The 9/11 Disaster
Afghanistan after 9/11
V. Chechnya and the Sword of Islam
Russian Dogs
The First Chechen War
Enter the Jihadists: Khattab and Basaev
The Interim: Exploiting the Vacuum
VI. Hubris and Nemesis: The Chechen Foreign Fighters Overreach
Russia Exploits the Foreign Fighter Presence
Chechnya after Khattab
VII. The Slaughterer: Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi and Ascendant Iraqi Jihad (2003-2006)
Sowing the Wind in Iraq
The City of Mosques
A Magnet for Foreigners
Who Went to Iraq and How Did They Get There?
Zarqawi's End
VIII. The Dreamer: Abu Ayyub al-Masri and the Self-Destruction of the Iraqi Jihad
Reaping the Whirlwind
The Tide Turns
A Defeat for the Cause
IX. The Gadfly: Omar Hammami
Jihadism Emerges in Somalia
The Rise of the Shebaab
The Frustrations of Jihad
The Shebaab's High Water Mark - A Mini Islamic State
Hammami's Fall
The Shebaab as a Terrorist Group
Foreigners Fighting the Shebaab
The Shebaab Settles in for a Long War
X. John the Beatle and the Syrian Civil War
The Rise of the Islamic State
The Appeal of Jihad in Syria
Propaganda, Social Media and Recruitment
A Five-Star Jihad
The Turkish Highway
Training Camps and Hard Fighting
Life in the Islamic State
The Terrorism Threat
Leaving the Islamic State
The Western Response
XI. The Facilitator: Amer Azizi and the Rise of Jihadist Terrorism in Europe
The Origins of the Europe as a Jihadist Battlefield
Jihadism in Europe post-9/11
The Islamic State in Europe
Jihad Returns to Europe
The European Response to Foreign Fighters
XII. America Squares Off against the Legion
Who Are the American Foreign Fighters?
The Limits of the Internet
Attacks in America
Stopping American Foreign Fighters
Law Enforcement
Military operations
Intelligence Operations
What's Next?
XIII. How to Stop Foreign Fighters
Halting the Foreign Fighter Production Process
The Decision Stage
The Travel Stage
Training and Fighting in the War Zone
The Return Stage
Thinking Beyond the Plot Stage


Daniel Byman is a Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.

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