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Soonish: Emerging Technologies That Will Improve and/or Ruin Everything

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From a top scientist and the creator of the hugely popular web comic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, an illustrated investigation into future technologies

What will the world of tomorrow be like? How does progress happen? And why don't we have a lunar colony yet?

In this witty and entertaining book, Zach and Kelly Weinersmith give us a snapshot of the transformative technologies that are coming next - from robot swarms to nuclear fusion powered-toasters - and explain how they will change our world in astonishing ways. By weaving together their own research, interviews with pioneering scientists and Zach's trademark comics, the Weinersmiths investigate why these innovations are needed, how they would work, and what is standing in their way.

Authors: Weinersmith Kelly, Weinersmith Zach
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9781846148996
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2017

Dr. Kelly Weinersmith is Adjunct Faculty in the BioSciences Department at Rice University. Kelly's research has been featured in The Atlantic, Science, BBC World, and National Geographic.

Zach Weinersmith is the cartoonist behind the popular geek webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. His work has been featured in The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Slate, Forbes, CNN, Discovery Magazine, and more.

Zach Weinersmith is the cartoonist behind the popular geek webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. His work has been featured in The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Slate, Forbes, CNN, Discovery Magazine, and more.

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