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Symposium or Drinking Party (Focus Philosophical Library)

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This new edition of Plato's Symposium provides beginning readers and scholars alike with a solid, reliable translation that is both faithful to the original text and accessible to contemporary readers. In addition, the volume offers a number of aids to help the reader make his or her way through this remarkable work: A concise introduction sets the scene, conveys the tenor of the dialogue, and introduces the reader to the main characters with a gloss on their backgrounds and a comment on their roles in the dialogue. It also provides a list of basic points for readers to keep in mind as they read the work. A thought-provoking interpretive essay offers reflections on the themes of the dialogue, focusing especially on the dialogue as drama. A select bibliography points to works, both classic and contemporary, that are especially relevant to readers of the Symposium. Two appendices consist of a line drawing that depicts the spacial layout and positioning of characters in the Symposium, and a chart that shows the relation of the first six speeches to number, age, parentage and the function of Eros.

Author: Plato
Publisher: HACKETT
Pages: 138
ISBN: 9781585105977
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2017
Allan Bloom, 1930–1992, was a professor of social thought at the University of Chicago. He was the author of many books, including the number one bestseller The Closing of the American Mind.

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