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The Founding of Modern States

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The Founding of Modern States is a bold comparative work that examines the rise of the modern state through six case studies of state formation. The book opens with an analysis of three foundings that gave rise to democratic states in Britain, the United States, and France and concludes with an evaluation of three formations that birthed non-democratic states in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Through a comparative analysis of these governments, the book argues that new state formations are defined by a metaphysical conception of a “will of the people” through which the new state is ritually granted sovereignty. The book stresses the paradoxical nature of modern foundings, characterized by “mythological imaginations,” or the symbolic acts and rituals upon which a state is enabled to secure political and social order. An extensive study of some of the most important events in modern history, this book offers readers novel interpretations that will disrupt common narratives about modern states and the state of our modern world.

  • Provides detailed, interpretative descriptions of six of the most important foundings in the modern era
  • Reveals the importance of history and ideology as the underpinning of revolutionary elites as they conceive of their role in creating a new state
  • Illustrates the methodological and theoretical advantages of multi-dimensional comparisons
Author: Bensel Richard Franklin
Pages: 568
ISBN: 9781009247214
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2022

1. Introduction
Part I. The Founding of Democratic States:
2. 'The Rights of Englishmen' and the English Constitution
3. The Will of the People and the American Founding
Section I. From the Rights of Englishmen to the Declaration of Independence
Section II. From the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution
4. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen: The French Revolution
Section I. From the Estates-General to the Execution of the King
Section II. From the Fall of the Girondins to Napoleon
Part II. The Founding of Non-Democratic States:
5. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat: The Russian Revolution
6. Blood and Soil: The Founding of the Third Reich
7. Islamic Theocracy: The Iranian Revolution
8. Conclusion.

Richard Franklin Bensel is the Gary S. Professor of Government at Cornell University. He is the author of five books, including Yankee Leviathan (1991), The American Ballot Box in the Mid-Nineteenth Century (2004), The Political Economy of American Industrialization (2000: David Greenstone Prize, 2002), Passion and Preferences (2008), and Sectional Stress and American Political Development, 1880–1980 (1984).

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