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The History Hit Miscellany of Facts, Figures and Fascinating Finds

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‘History is a bottomless reservoir of all the bonkers, heroic, awful and weird things we eccentric humans have ever done. We can’t help generating extraordinary stories… Most importantly, like all the best stories, they are true.’ – Dan Snow

Have you ever wondered who the third man on the moon was? Did you know that Dick Whittington really was the medieval Mayor of London? Why was a pigeon a hero to the American army? What’s the difference between a dolmen and a barrow? Who were the Wu, Wei and Shu Han? Was Napoleon really small? Who said ‘Pardon me, sir, I didn’t mean to’ just before they were executed? When was the oldest known shark attack?

The answers to all these questions and so much more are contained within this wonderful miscellany of historical facts, figures and fascinating finds which will enthral, entertain and inform everyone who loves history and wants to know more about more.

Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781399726009
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

History Hit makes history more accessible in the digital age. Our podcast Dan Snow’s History Hit has been broadcasting since 2015, and has over 1,500 episodes. We now have 8 regular podcast shows, exploring topics as wide ranging as dinosaurs to Tupperware, and broadcasting more than 15 times a week. Our online TV channel, History Hit TV, is a library of history documentaries and interviews, and we create new and original history documentaries for our subscribers weekly. We also have a growing presence on our website and across all major social media platforms. History Hit is part of Little Dot Studios, which houses one of the world’s most viewed history focused YouTube networks.

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