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The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Obligations towards the Human Being

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A new translation of Simone Weil's best-known work: a political, philosophical and spiritual treatise on what human life could be


What do humans require to be truly nourished? Simone Weil, one of the foremost philosophers of the last century, envisaged us all as being bound by unconditional, eternal obligations towards every other human being. In The Need for Roots, her most famous work, she argued that our greatest need was to be rooted: in a community, a place, a shared past and collective future hopes. Written for the Free French movement while she was exiled in London during the Second World War, Weil's visionary combination of philosophy, politics and mysticism is her answer to the question of what life without occupation - and oppression - might be.


'The patron saint of all outsiders' Andre Gide


'The only great spirit of our time' Albert Camus

Translated by Ros Schwartz, with an introduction by Kate Kirkpatrick.

Author: Weil Simone
Publisher: PENGUIN
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780241467978
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Simone Weil (1909-43) was a French philosopher and mystic. Most of her works, published posthumously, consist of some notebooks and a collection of religious essays. They include, in English, Waiting for God (1951), Gravity and Grace (1952), The Need for Roots (1952), Notebooks (2 vol., 1956), Oppression and Liberty (1958), and Selected Essays, 1934-1943 (1962).

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