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The Power of Populism and People: Resistance and Protest in the Modern World

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Recent years have seen a disturbing advance in populist and authoritarian styles of rule and, in response, a rise in popular activism. Strongmen, especially since the advent of fascism, have formed their base of power in popular acclaim. But what power do the people have in checking the rise of tyranny?

In this book an international team of experts representing several academic disciplines examines the power relationship between peoples and their rulers. It is among the first to study this globally as a problem of nation states. From populism in 19th-century Latin America to eastern Europe since the collapse of communism, to the Arab Spring and contemporary Russia and China, the cases in this book span five continents and twelve nations. Taken together, they reveal how different forms of popular opposition have succeeded or failed in unseating authoritarian regimes and expose the tactics and strategies used by regimes to repress people power and create an image of popular support.

Analysing the causes and consequence of the global advance of authoritarianism, The Power of Populism and the People offers a historical comparison of popular protest, opposition and crises over the last century to the recent rise of populist leaders.

Authors: Stoltzfus Nathan, Osmar Christopher
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781350202009
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021

1. Civil Resistance versus Authoritarian Rule: The Arab Spring and other Cases, Adam Roberts
2. Civil Society as a Threat to Democracy, Grzegorz Ekiert
3. The Arab Uprisings and People's Power: Romantic Views and Hard Realities, Marina Ottaway
4. 'Maidans' and Movements: Legacies, Innovations, and Contention in Independent Ukraine, Olga Onuch
5. Paradoxes of Reform: Protest, Progress, and Polarization in Malaysia, Meredith L. Weiss
6. People Power in Putin's Russia: Social vs. Political Protests, Laura A. Henry
7. How the Party-State Harnessed People Power in China, Diana Fu
8. Caught between Kemalist and Islamist Authoritarianisms: The Masses as Auxiliary Power in Turkey, 1923 to Present, Azat Gundogan
9. 1989 Inverted: Transformative Authoritarian Memory and the Rise of Populism in Poland and Hungary, Michael Bernhard
10. Protesting Democracy in Africa: Popular Movements and Political Transformation, Zachariah Mampilly
11. Populism in Latin America as Global History, Federico Finchelstein
12. Why Trump Is Not the Problem, Andrew J. Bacevich

Nathan Stoltzfus is Rintels Professor of Holocaust Studies in the Arts and Sciences and Professor of History at Florida State University, USA. He is the author of Hitler's Compromises (2016) and Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany (1996), which was a co-recipient of the Institute of Contemporary History's Fraenkel Prize and acknowledged as a New Statesman 'Book of the Year'. He is also the co-editor, with Robert Gellately, of Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany (2001) and, with Henry Friedlander, of Nazi Crimes and the Law (2008).

Christopher Osmar, PhD, is preparing his dissertation on forced labor in the end phase of Nazi Germany for a book.

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