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The Power of Words (Penguin Great Ideas)

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'There are certain words which possess, in themselves, when properly used, a virtue which illumines and lifts up towards the good'

The philosopher and activist Simone Weil was one of the most courageous thinkers of the twentieth century. Here she writes, with honesty and moral clarity, about the manipulation of language by the powerful, the obligations of individuals to one another and the needs - for order, equality, liberty and truth - that make us human.

One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series. This new selection showcases a diverse list of thinkers who have helped shape our world today, from anarchists to stoics, feminists to prophets, satirists to Zen Buddhists.

Author: Weil Simone
Publisher: PENGUIN
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9780241472903
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2020

Simone Weil (1909-43) was a French philosopher and mystic. Most of her works, published posthumously, consist of some notebooks and a collection of religious essays. They include, in English, Waiting for God (1951), Gravity and Grace (1952), The Need for Roots (1952), Notebooks (2 vol., 1956), Oppression and Liberty (1958), and Selected Essays, 1934-1943 (1962).

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