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The Refusal of Politics

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Denounces contemporary politics through an engagement with political theory, the arts and what it is to live well.

Laurent Dubreuil provocatively proposes an extremist rethinking of the limits of politics – toward a break from politics, the political and policies. Rather than yet another re-articulation, he calls for a refusal of politics, suggesting a form of apolitics that would make our lives more liveable.

The first chapter situates the refusal of politics in relation to different contemporary theoretical attempts to renew politics, and makes the case for a greater rupture. The second moment takes up what is liveable in life by way of apolitical experience, in contrast to appropriations of the collective, including a discussion of the arts. Finally, Dubreuil draws up an incomplete inventory of means: forms of existence – often frail and fleeting – that make an exit toward atopia.
Key Features:
. Opens a dialogue at the crossroads of French leftism (from the Situationists to Jacques Ranciere), Italian contemporary philosophy (from operaismo to authors such as Agamben or Esposito) and English-speaking academic activism (with figures such as Herbert Marcuse, Judith Butler and Slavoj Zizek)
. Includes a section on the connection between literature, the arts and the political, as perceived in Surrealism, Situationism and Adorno and Marcuse
. Explores how extremist practices may encounter the very limits of politics
. Gives a performative account of what apolitical experiences and instants could mean

Author: Dubreuil Laurent
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781474416757
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2016

Opening Opinion

1. Apolitics and Politics

2. Liveable Interruption

3. Forms of Experience



Laurent Dubreuil is Professor of Comparative Literature, Romance Studies and Cognitive Science at Cornell University. He is the author of six books of philosophy and literary theory, including The Intellective Space (2015) and Empire of Language (2013). Since 2011, he has served as the Editor of diacritics.

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