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The Russia Conundrum: How the West Fell For Putin’s Power Gambit – and How to Fix It

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'I'm a fairly calm fellow; I don't usually get het up about things. But I was, let's say, concerned when I tuned into the Moscow Echo radio station and heard that the Kremlin had put a price on my head. The announcement didn't quite say 'dead or alive'. But it came close...' Mikhail Khodorkovsky, March 2021

Mikhail Khodorkovsky has seen behind the mask of Vladimir Putin. Once an oil tycoon and the richest man in Russia, Khodorkovsky spoke out against the corruption of Putin's regime - and was punished by the Kremlin, stripped of his entire wealth and jailed for over ten years.

Now freed, working as a pro-democracy campaigner in enforced exile, Khodorkovsky brings us the insider's battle to save his country's soul. Offering an urgent analysis of what has gone wrong with Putin, The Russia Conundrum maps the country's rise and fall against Khodorkovsky's own journey, from Soviet youth to international oil executive, powerful insider to political dissident, and now a high-profile voice seeking to reconcile East and West.

With unparalleled insight, written with Sunday Times bestselling author Martin Sixsmith, The Russia Conundrum exposes the desires and damning truths of Putin's Russia, and provides an answer to the West on how it must challenge the Kremlin - in order to pave the way for a better future.

Author: Khodorkovsky Mikhail
Publisher: WH ALLEN
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9780753559253
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Mikhail Khodorkovsky is Russia’s most famous living dissident in exile. Once regarded as Russia’s richest man, he criticised endemic corruption at a televised meeting with President Putin in early 2003, was arrested later that year and sentenced to fourteen years in prison. Eventually released in December 2013 and forced into exile, he now lives in London. He established the Open Russia Foundation in 2001 with the aim of building and strengthening civil society in Russia, and he relaunched the Open Russia movement in September 2014. As the leader of the Russian opposition in exile, Khodorkovsky works to promote political reform in Russia and advocates an alternative vision for his country’s future.

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