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Trajan: Rome's Last Conqueror

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Until the publication of this captivating biography, no such volume on Trajan’s life has been tailored to the general reader. The unique book illuminates a neglected period of ancient Roman history, featuring a comprehensive array of maps, illustrations, and photographs to help orientate and bring the text to life.

Trajan rose from fairly obscure beginnings to become the emperor of Rome. He was born in Italica, an Italic settlement close to modern Seville in present-day Spain, and is the first Roman Emperor to be born outside of Rome. His remarkable rise from officer to general and then to emperor in just over 20 years reveals a shrewd politician who maintained absolute power. Trajan’s success in taking the Roman Empire to its greatest expanse is highlighted in this gripping biography.

Trajan’s military campaigns allowed the Roman Empire to attain its greatest military, political and cultural achievements. The book draws on novel theories, recent evidence and meticulous research, including field visits to Italy, Spain, Germany and Romania to ensure accurate, vivid writing that transports the reader to Trajan’s territory.

Author: Jackson Nicholas
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781784387075
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2022

Nicholas Jackson is an infectious disease scientist by training (MSc., DLSHTM., PhD), with more than 20 years’ professional experience in the pharmaceutical industry working on vaccines. Recently, he has worked in R&D on several COVID-19 vaccines and advised several institutions and sovereign states on their vaccine development efforts. In his career, he has published numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers, reviews and professional articles. As a life-long student of Roman history, he has now uniquely combined his passion for Imperial Rome with his research acumen and writing expertise for the pharma industry to bring to life the gripping stories of ancient Rome.

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