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Who She Was

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The mysterious stranger seems perfect. But nobody knows who she is and what she has been compelled to do to survive. The gripping new bestseller from Tony Parsons.

‘Vividly drawn and utterly engrossing’ Tom Hindle
'Gripping and beautifully written, with atmosphere you could cut with a knife' Alex Michaelides
'A cracking story ... keeps you hooked to the last page.' Heidi Perks
‘…an intriguing Du Maurier-ish Cornwall mystery… a story of twists and turns’ Peterborough Telegraph
‘Quite possibly his most assured outing yet.’ Barry Forshaw, Crime Time
‘It’s a brilliant book’ Piers Morgan

A bonfire burns on a Cornish beach in the middle of the night.

Nearby, a young woman waits for morning, and for the estate agent to arrive with the keys to her new life in the peaceful fishing village.

She carries with her no trace of the past she has left behind.

Quickly she becomes an object of fascination among the locals; one in particular finds that he just can't stay away.

But can anyone really have start afresh?
What happened to this woman's old life?
And what price did she pay to escape it?

Author: Parsons Tony
Publisher: PENGUIN
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9781804941041
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2024

Tony Parsons left school at sixteen and his first job in journalism was at the New Musical Express. His first journalism after leaving the NME was when he was embedded with the Vice Squad at 27 Savile Row, West End Central. The roots of the DC Max Wolfe series started here.

Since then he has become an award-winning journalist and bestselling novelist whose books have been translated into more than forty languages. The Murder Bag, the first novel in the DC Max Wolfe series, went to number one on first publication in the UK. All of the DC Max Wolfe novels have been Sunday Times top five bestsellers.

Tony lives in London with his wife, his daughter and their dog, Stan.

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