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Abstract Sets and Finite Ordinals: An Introduction to the Study of Set Theory

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This text unites the logical and philosophical aspects of set theory in a manner intelligible both to mathematicians without training in formal logic and to logicians without a mathematical background. It combines an elementary level of treatment with the highest possible degree of logical rigor and precision.Starting with an explanation of all the basic logical terms and related operations, the text progresses through a stage-by-stage elaboration that proves the fundamental theorems of finite sets. It focuses on the Bernays theory of finite classes and finite sets, exploring the system's basis and development, including Stage I and Stage II theorems, the theory of finite ordinals, and the theory of finite classes and finite sets. This volume represents an excellent text for undergraduates studying intermediate or advanced logic as well as a fine reference for professional mathematicians.Reprint of the Pergamon, New York, 1961 edition.

Author: Keene G. B.
Publisher: DOVER
Pages: 106
ISBN: 9780486462493
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2007

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