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Marx Revival: Key Concepts and New Interpretations

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The planet is in deep trouble because of capitalism, and Karl Marx, freed from the chains of “real socialism”, is being rediscovered all around the world as the thinker who provided us with its most insightful critique. The Marx Revival is the best, most complete and most modern guide to Marx's ideas that has appeared since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Written by highly reputed international experts, in a clear form accessible to a wider public, it brings together the liveliest and most thought-provoking contemporary interpretations of Marx's work. It presents what he actually wrote in respect of 22 key concepts, the areas that require updating as a result of changes since the late-nineteenth century, and the reasons why it is still of such relevance in today's world. The result is a collection that will prove indispensable both for specialists and for a new generation approaching Marx's work for the first time.

  • International spread of authors, from several disciplines, countries and backgrounds
  • Written in an accessible style, for academic and general readers alike
  • Includes the most updated philological discoveries on Marx (based on the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe edition) which help in presenting him in a new light compared to the past
Author: Musto Marcello
Pages: 442
ISBN: 9781107542167
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2020

1. Preface Marcello Musto
2. Capitalism Michael Krätke
3. Communism Marcello Musto
4. Democracy Ellen Meiksins Wood
5. Proletariat Marcel van der Linden
6. Class Struggle Alex Callinicos
7. Political Organization Peter Hudis
8. Revolution Michael Löwy
9. Work Ricardo Antunes
10. Capital and Temporality Moishe Postone
11. Ecology John Bellamy Foster
12. Gender Equality Heather Brown
13. Nationalism and Ethnicity Kevin Anderson
14. Migration Pietro Basso
15. Colonialism
Ranabir Samaddar and Sandro Mezzadra
16. State Bob Jessop
17. Globalization Seongjin Jeong
18. War and International Relations Benno Teschke
19. Religion Gilbert Achcar
20. Education Robin Small
21. Art Isabelle Garo
22. Technology and Science Amy Wendling
23. Marxisms Immanuel Wallerstein

Marcello Musto is Associate Professor of Sociology at York University. He has published worldwide in more than twenty languages and his most recent titles are Another Marx: Early Manuscripts to the International (2018), The Last Years of Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography (2020), and Travels with Marx: Destinations, Reflections and Encounters (2020).

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