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Mighty Microeconomics: A Guide to Thinking Like An Economist

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Economics helps us to understand that certain slick mechanisms are operating beyond what we see in our daily economic lives. To fully understand and appreciate these mechanisms, we need to master the core mathematical theories, some of which are highly advanced and typically covered in a graduate course. This textbook presents those theories without compromising rigor, but, at the same time, the author offers a number of innovative pedagogical twists that make the difficult materials completely accessible to undergraduate students, and even to general readers. Written in a chatty, colloquial style, the author explains basic messages and core insights that are usually hidden between the lines. The usefulness of these theories is shown through a number of real-life examples, and, in the end, the readers can see that the mathematical models provide deep insights into social justice and philosophy. This book helps readers to think like an economist.

  • Demonstrates to students the practical relevance of highly technical theories through their application to a number of convincing real-life case studies
  • Helps students overcome their anxiety of mastering mathematical analyses by providing intuitive, easy-to-understand, rigorous and self-contained explanations for all mathematical concepts and theories
  • Deepens students' understanding of the use of mathematical theories in microeconomics through persuasive explanations and motivations for abstract assumptions and formulations
Author: Kandori Michihiro
Pages: 452
ISBN: 9781009161084
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Part I. Price Theory: Merits and Limitations of the Market Mechanism:
1. Theory of Consumer Behavior
2. The Theory of Firm Behavior
3. Market Equilibrium
4. Market Failures
5. Monopolies
Part II. Game Theory and Economics of Information:
6. Simultaneous-Move Games and Nash Equilibrium
7. Dynamic Games and Credible Strategies
8. Insurance and Moral Hazard
9. Adverse Selection and Signaling
10. Last but not Least – Let's Talk about Social Justice and Philosophy
Appendix A. Essential Mathematical Concepts: All You Need to Know to Read this Book
Appendix B. Constrained Maximization Problems and the Method of Lagrange Multiplier
Appendix C. Compensating Variation and Equivalent Variation
Appendix D. A Step-by-Step Guide to Proving the Second Welfare Theorem.

Michihiro Kandori is Professor of Economics at University of Tokyo. He was former assistant professor at University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University, and Taussig Visiting Professor at Harvard University. He is the President of the Game Theory Society (2022–2024) and was a former associate editor of Econometrica, and Fellow of the Econometric Society. He won the prestigious R. K. Cho Economics Prize in 2017 (Yonsei University, Korea) and has published numerous articles in high-impact journals. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University under the supervision of Nobel Laureate Paul Milgrom. He has consistently received high ratings for his 'Welcome to Game Theory' course on Coursera (more than 80,000 learners since 2015).

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